Preach the Bible, Not Your Dog.

The Video Below. Is. Really. Good.

One thing I learned throughout years is that, yes, personal testimonies are very encouraging to listen to, but they do not compare to the encouragement I get upon hearing (or reading) the Word of God. In fact, I could learn a lot and be encouraged from the lives of those in the Bible.

I had my fair share of listening to pastors reading a verse in the Bible, followed by their anecdote and how their experience related to that Scripture portion. But what a great difference it made when I started working for RBI*, where my boss would always begin the week with a Bible study and group prayer. We'd study the life or Apostle Paul or of Joseph, the Dreamer, or of John the Baptist for weeks -- just going through the Bible, knowing these people, and thereby, knowing the GOD whom they worship. Nothing strengthened my faith more than knowing that I am worshiping the same God that they did!

I am blessed that God led me to a new church (Harbor Of Grace Reformed Church) that does the same -- where my pastor is so careful and passionate to properly and correctly teach the Scriptures. And I know he does this to honor God, in faith that the preaching of the Word will not return to God empty, but will accomplish what God has purposed.

I pray that all preachers would be faithful in doing the same -- that they would not water down the Gospel of Christ, which is the Good News, just to make it more attractive to the world, or just to save their faces from society's onslaught. We are commissioned to send the King of king's message throughout the whole world. We better send the exact message, not the edited/modified version of it, or else... ;)

2 Timothy 3:16-17) "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."

*RBI (Resources for the Blind, Inc.- a non-profit Christian organization catering to the needs of those with visual impairments in the Philippines)
* Video downloaded from 


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